Just a Touch
"Just a Touch" is Jean Wildest’s most recent group piece and it will be developed in their residency at the Chicago Cultural Center. Born out of a rehearsal experiment when three queer artists – a cabaret headliner, a classically-trained dancer and a life-long circus performer – came together to share skills and learn choreography in a low-stakes environment, "Just a Touch" is about layering people, genres, and spaces to present entertaining artistry in a way that promotes queer community. It places the spectacle of circus and sincerity of clowning into a relationship with the movement research and partnering of dance. It also adapts cabaret skill sets to engage an all-ages audience.
In their final residency showing, the "Just a Touch" performers will be joined by several queer performance groups from across Chicago. We're celebrating Chicago Dance Month and Chicago Pride with an evening of queer revelry and experimentation.
Follow the above link to learn about this evening's guest artists, along with a list of all of the "Just a Touch" collaborators. Today's showing is only a small sampling of the work that has happened during the Dance Residency, and our pool of collaborators spans multiple artistic genres and social circles.
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This project is part of the Chicago Cultural Center's Dance Residency Open Studio Series, which is supported in part by a grant from the Walder Foundation. This project is also supported in part by an award from the National Endowment of the Arts. "Just a Touch" and Wildest Productions are additionally thankful to Dance Center Evanston for providing studio space for the initial phase of this project.